Deep within, the ideas never stop flowing. All day and all night, they are released into your mind from the Infinite. Many of these ideas just keep on going, and you never do anything about them. There are too many! And so it goes, the fountain keeps on giving, and you drink what you can. The ideas and the energy they hold give life its magic, and you take what you can, and many of the ideas move on to somewhere else.
Some, though, are meant for you. They are the ones that keep coming back, over and over, saying "Will you bring me to life?"
I know for sure that ideas have a life of their own. In fact, ideas are the very force of life itself! When an idea lands with you and you take action on it, it can become a reality. If you don't, eventually it gets tired of asking you, and it moves on to somebody else to come into visible form.
A lot of peopole have always wanted to write a book, and think it is too hard. Are you one of them? That idea, that same one that keeps showing know the one.
Writing a book is one of the best things you can do for yourself, for your business, and for the world. Out of all the people in the world, you are the only one who has the exact knowledge that you have gained over y our lifetime. Think about it. How many times have you solved a problem, or gained an insight, or had an experience that was way out of the ordinary in some way?
Some people say, "why would anybody want to ready my story?" I'll tell you why. It's because you are more than you think you are, and your story is more important than you think it is.
I work with people who want to write books and bring that idea and that knowledge to the world, because I know that it is one of the best things I could do for the people I work with, and for the world. My favorite part of the experience is when the author realizes that the message he or she is holding is bigger than they thought. That means they are more than they realized. It's magical, to see that moment happen.
And is writing a book hard? It can be, and it could be, but it doesn't have to be. I have methods using modern technology that make the process simple and easy for you, the author. We work together to create a custom method that gets results. And then...voila! The book comes together and it is REAL.
It comes from a specific way I use to put books together, and from there we customize it.
I call it Five Steps to Flow.
You can go to my website,
and download it free.
When your idea comes to you,
don't ignore it.
It came all the way from
the middle of the Universe to meet you.
All my best, always,
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