The Arrival

An idea is on its way, circling around you, waiting to arrive.  How will you know when you are ready?  Is there ever a time that you will be ready?  
Do you have a story that keeps you from being are too busy, that it isn't time yet, that 

They couldn't possibly be talking to YOU?

Make it a habit to create a state of readiness, and when the idea comes, and it is ready to arrive in your life, you will know it and welcome it home.  It may have had a long and perhaps arduous journey to arrive at your doorstep.  Welcome it in.  Don't be too busy to make your life better.

As a writer, I never know exactly how it's going to go when I sit down at the keyboard.  I make it a habit to be ready to listen for new ideas, wherever they come from, and guess what?  They show up.  Often as I am putting words on the page, I discover something that I hadn't thought of before is ready to jump in, and make it all so much better.  I think of how this new idea can be transmitted to the reader, and I learn more about it.

What is the habit of readiness?  It's creating a place for the creative in your life.  You can make it a habit to listen for ideas.  

Even ten minutes a day can make a huge difference.  Twenty minutes is better, but start with ten.  At the same time every day, stop what you are doing and open up your mind.  Listen with your heart to the messages of life.  Whether you are a writer or not, that can be the doorway to a higher level of creative power.  And if you ARE a writer you will get more clarity and focus, with the door wide open for 

The Arrival that makes it all worth it.
Click below to send me a message.
What is your idea? 

All my best, always,


  1. Thanks, Betty. I appreciate this post - good timing for me. I'm sorry I missed your zoom call for the Three Elements of Writing. I heard about it through PWN, FYI.


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