Are We There Yet?

Is the creative process a journey or a destination?

Depends on who you ask.  Have you ever ridden in a car with a couple of kids who keep asking if you are there yet?

Right, so have I.

When you view it as a Journey, you wonder how long it's going to take.  You see the delays, the bends in the road, as obstacles and problems to be overcome.

The ideas that intrude on your mind and want to push you in a different direction.
Those annoying details, the phone that rings when you don't want to answer it.  The difficulty that pops up right in the middle of the road.   The dreaded Block that makes everything seem impossible, all loom large in the realm of the possible. 

What if they are actually all part of the process of bringing the Idea into visible form 
and they aren't really problems at all?  

What if it's your preconceived ideas of how it "needs to go" that is the problem, and your lack of willingness to be happy along the way?  What, you won't be happy till it's done?  Seriously?
It's a conversatin you are having with yourself to actually stop the process and make it something that you control.

Yes, you do need to control your process, and your own way of doing things.  Without discipline, you won't get anything done at all.  And of course you DO want to get it done.  Until it does get done, you won't get a chance to sell it or get paid, for example.

AND, you also need to allow for the inevitable way that Life will show up for you to say that really it isn't quite what it seems.

In other words, when you are stuck on getting there, you miss the view from the windows along the ride, the chance to have conversations with those in the car with you.  Can you change that inner conversation into an outer one?  Ask other people for ideas they may have about things?  When y ou do that, you see that it's actually the ride to get there that makes it all happen.

And, when you DO get there, pick up your bag and get off the train.

Don't just say, "Are we there yet?"

If you are interested in thinking and talking more about this, and getting some fresh ideas,

I invite you to visit my web site.

Lots of fun stuff there!

All my best, always,
