The Best Way to YES

You know you made a good showing when people say YES.

It's said that saying a person's name is the fastest way to reach them.  It's music to the ear, when you think about it.  When you are talking to someone and they use your name, and say it in a way that you like, you feel closer to them, more ready to listen to what they have to say.

Here's the key to that:  saying things in the right way, at the right time.   In some settings, such as in a corporate environment, using a person's name as if you know them, too soon in the conversation, doesn't go over well.  In others, such as in a small business owner's workplace, it's the key to connection.  It's the same when you are creating content or marketing materials such as blog posts or articles.

Are you speaking to a corporate audience?  Then keep the use of the personal connection in the background, as a sign of respect for the process-oriented environment, and focus on teamwork.  Show that you value value the time spent on your communication, and get right to the point.

But if you are talking to an owner of a small business, that personal connection is all-important.   Keep your language focused on how you can personally make things better for your prospect.  Be ready to spend some extra time in a conversation, and it will pay off when the customer tells you what she wants and you show that you can make that happen.

I have created systems for you to streamline this process and get you where you want to go...that YES.  Want to know how I do it?


 and let's get to YES.

All my best, always, 
