The Number One Magnet of Show Biz, it applies to everything else in life, too.
you are on an actual stage, or simply presenting yourself in any
setting of life, the way you show up determines how people see you and
interact with you.
Lots of preparation goes into a show that rocks the world. Think of all the work of the stage hands, the setting up of lights and props, making sure the entire theater is ready to show forth the best you have to offer. By the time you actually step into the spotlight, the main part of the work is already done. What does your audience see? The show itself. That's it.
What was it that drew you to be on stage?
What are you offering to your audience?
When you offer real value, as well as entertainment, people want more of you and your gifts. Step into the spotlight and make the most of it. You worked to make it happen. It's your time.
This leads to the Second Magnet:
Always leave them wanting more.
While you are in front of the people you worked so hard to reach, connect with them on a deeper level. Let them know you are for real.
Stories and examples that illustrate who you are and what you stand for go a long way in getting people ready to know more about you. Tell people about your early experiences, what shaped you as a person. Not necessarily will you do this during the show itself, however the most effective way to really get people into YOU as a person is to share your story.
The reason to do this is that people are buying into your story when they hire you, or watch your show, or ask you how to connect. Whatever you are offering as a product or service is the second thing.
Now look at the magnets in terms of action steps:
Magnet #1: Show up. Show up a LOT.
Magnet #2: Get people ready for MORE.
Now, what do I mean by showing up? You can write a blog that people look forward to reading. You can create content that moves people, and provides strong value to them in their lives. And from there, you can take it all to another level by putting together a book. Becoming a published author is a HUGE step in making your business really stand out. I provide backup for you to break down the steps so things flow naturally and get you across the finish line.
Want to put together a system that is easy to use for creating and posting your writing to support your goals? I can show you how to do it.
I specialize in supporting writers to develop systems so they can get things done without undue stress.
Web site copy, blog support, book coaching, edits: they are all part of a successful writing project.
Read about what I do and how I do it here
Remember, no Great Show was ever truly a one-man (or one-woman) show. You need support so that you can do what you do best, in order to really rock the world.
All my best,
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