Ready for A New Direction?

Ready for a new direction?
You're at the crossroads, and the signs are clear...things are changing.
This is the time to do it.  You've come a long way already, probably made a "wrong turn" here and there.  But wait!   Those turns are the ones that got you here.  You're at the exact spot that will give you the choices to go just where you need to go.

Now that you ARE here, a choice stands before you. The signs point to different directions, representing ideas that may be vying for your attention.  The next steps on the path take you closer to the heights, or they keep you on the level path, or they go up and down hills and through meadows full of flowers.  Or something else!  You won't know until you make the choice.  So how do you make it?

As an entrepreneur, I have seen signposts like this one many times, and taken different paths, sometimes ones that got me where I wanted to go.  Other times I had to backtrack and take a different route. Each time, I learned things I wouldn't have known had I not made the choices I did.  It's all part of learning; and I have some questions for you.  

What do you REALLY want to accomplish in your business?  Who ARE your ideal clients, and how can you understand them?    What do you offer them that will make their lives better?  Who will you be for them, and how will you show up?  What are your strengths?  How do they serve to make you the right choice for your customers when they are making decisions about their needs?

 All these questions have their places in the choices you make about how you present yourself and your services.

If you think about it, business is a process of evolution. What is true for you now is not the same as what was true five years ago, or what will be true in five years from now.  Revisiting your  business message strategies will give you clear insight into how you can make the changes that are needed to keep moving forward.  What works now?

Look back for a moment and think about what you have been doing.  What's been most successful?  What could you do in the future that would be better?  What can you do more of, and what can you let go?  Understanding just what your customer is all about is the first step in finding the path to better communications strategies for your business.

I have a method of finding out the answers to the questions above.  It's a system I developed for getting clarity about topics that your market cares about. You will learn how to present yourself as an expert.  You will get better results when people know what they can expect from working with you.  Get clear about what your brand promise is and how to present it to the customer.  I'm committed to supporting entrepreneurs, and so I created this system called

Three Golden Apples for Business Writing Success.  

It's a full set of tools you can use right away to put together effective messages that you can use for all of your branding and business communication needs.  You can find it on my web site and use this self-paced program to create clear messages that get results, and get you noticed in the marketplace.


 All my best,




