The Outcome

What do you customers really want?  And how can you make that happen for them? This essential duo of questions is the heart and soul of all business.

Every company, every customer, has a list of concerns that need answers.   When you are looking to create a business relationship, you need to look carefully at what those are, from your side of the conversation.  You also need to get some information about these things from the customer's side.  What is the most pressing matter that needs to be handled right away? Is that something you can provide a solution for in the near term?

Or is it more of a long arc, a service that is ongoing, that you can provide more efficiently or with better results, rather than what the business is currently doing?

If you are talking with a service provider, what needs do they have? 

Or, if you are a service provider yourself, what do your clients or customers need? 

Are you able to provide the solutions that are needed?  If so, then your next step is to create a clear picture of outcomes that you can present to the prospect.    For the first step, focus on what is clearly needed now.  As yourself what it would be like for the business if you filled the need for them.   Look ahead and see if you can think of solutions in advance that the business may not even know that they need.

And when you start talking about it, first of all focus on how what you provide will make things better, rather than the nuts and bolts of it gets done. There's time for that after you have presented a really great idea.  

How much better will it be when things are working better?  Bring that picture into the mid of the prospect, and connect it to the first two parts of the process: knowing the language your customer speaks, and showing your expertise.

This is Golden Apple #3: 

Present Clear Outcomes.

It's the completion 

of the sales conversation cycle. 

I developed the Three Golden Apples system based on many years of entrepreneurial sales conversations in many different environments.  Since I have been using it in so many different styles in the market, from food service, fashion, coaching, and writing services, I know that it works. 

It's all about connecting with people where they are, being clear about what I offer, and telling about the results that I can produce.

My services for businesses use all the knowledge I have gained through many years as a business owner and as a language specialist. 

If you are a business owner who knows that you need good copy for your business, and it's a struggle for you to make that happen, I will provide solutions that work for you to get the job done, providing top quality content that you can use right away, and long term.

If you would like to learn more about this system, how to use it,

and what I can do for you with my writing services, visit  

 and take a spin through what I provide.  

What do you need?  Let's do it.

All my best,


