It Comes Together

Completion of the sales conversation revolves around making it clear that you are ready and able to deliver results.  The outcomes you portray are the whole point of having the conversation in the first place, in the mind of the customer.  

Remember that  the real question the customer has is always, "What's in it for me?"  When you can answer that question in the right way, it all comes together.

What is the result of all the effort you put into serving your market?  what actual results can be shown and what do they mean for the customer?  When you paint a vivid picture of a successful outcome, the customer can visualize it and begin to see the benefits of working with you.  

It begins with understanding how the business works and what its goals are.  Once you have done that, you identify the ways that you can make things better.  How will you do that?  by increasing efficiency, or productivity, or morale?  

Does your product or service create such a great improvement that saying "yes" is more or less a no-brainer?  Then you are in a good position to outline exactly how easy it's going to be to work with you, and how the improvements will make everything better all around.

Golden Apple #3: 

Describe outcomes in a clear and convincing way.

If you are providing persoanl serivces, use the feeling that will be produced from working with you as the basis for talking about outcomes.  How will the person feel after they have bought from you or used your services?  How does this make the day better?

If you provide services or products to businesses, describe the results of working with you as being already happening.  Talk about how the business will have more time since their operations will be more efficient, or how things will look better after the changes you will make.  Discuss how much better things will go in the workplace or in the process of doing business.  When you describe outcoms as if they have already happened, the customer can visualize along with you and buy into the vision, literally.

The Three Golden Apples system is designed to make the process of creating business writing one that you can use step by step, using the three central principles of all communication.  I learnd these from a master, and I've put them into modern form so they are easy to grasp and use.  I use them every time I write copy or create a presentation. 

At the Writer's Launchpad, I serve all types of businesses using all the knowledge and experience I have gained to  make it easier to businesses to have what they need when they need it.

If you have a business 

and would like to learn more about what I do

 and how I do it,  

visit my web site

Get in touch with me, and let's get the job done.

All my best,


