One out of Many

 In the hustle and bustle of the marketplace, there are infinite choices.  Now more than ever, customers are given so much input that they feel overwhelmed and lost in a sea of too  much data, too many messages.  How will you cut through all of this and make yourself seen?  How will you establish that you can do the job, that you are the best choice?  How will you make such a strong case for yourself that you become the ONLY choice in a situation?

First, look at what you ahve to offer.  Your know who you want for your customers.  Now look at what they need from you.  What kind of information is relevant to their exact needs?  ONe thing for sure, you don't want to waste your time or the time of your customer, so keep your message short and to the point.  YOu can back up your initial communicaton with more information (probably a lot more) if the prospect wnts that.

However, to begin with, it's important that you position yourself as the skilled resource that can fill the needs of the customer.  What skill do you have that is most directly in alignment with the situation at hand?  You can probably do a lot of different things.  but only one of those things is the real key to making the sale.  Focus on that, while still allowing the customer to know there is more to what you are offering.  Show that you have done some research about who they are and what they do.  Be prepared to answer questions or to back up things you say with examples of how you have created success in the past.

Golden Apple #2: 

Highlight Your Expertise 

to Position Yourself as the Best Choice 

This is the second element of the Three Golden Apples system which I developed for business writing.  When you use this system, you will have the tools that put together the parts of a message in a way that makes it simple to be effective in business communication.  I've been an entrepreneur my whole life, and I used everything I have learned on the way, along with powerful tools for language I learned early in life studying the arts of the written word. 
You can purchase this self paced course which includes videos and Power Point presentations, along with worksheets and tip sheets, and have all of these tools to use right away.

 Get the whole system for $67 

and use it at your own pace.  Keep It Simple.

All my best,



