Say it With Confidence and A Smile



When you are in a networking event, whether in person or online, you have a short interval to present yourself and make that critical first impression.

For many, this is a source of anxiety, as coming up with a way to present their skills and expertise in a short amount of time seems too hard.  The next thing that happens is that they don’t put it into a short form that the person they are meeting can quickly understand, and the opportunity to connect simply and quickly is lost.

Have you ever had this experience?  Someone is there, with hand outstretched, and you feel a sense of dread since you don’t know what to say or how to say it.  Then, when that moment of introduction is past, you are thinking about what you “should have said”.  How much money did that fumble cost you?  What other connections did you not make because you didn’t get your point across?

Let that be the last time that happens to you.  There are simple keys to making a great introduction. 

One of the things I always do is to ask about the other person first.  That way, I have time to gain a sense of who that person is, what they do and what is important to them, based on the way they present their business and personality.  It allows me to feel the type of communication that person uses.  This is about their “language of the marketplace” as I call it, using my system for business writing. 

It’s Golden Appple #1, “speak in the language of your market.”  Who is your ideal client, and how do they communicate?  What are the values that they hold? Those are the thing you want to talk about. What problems do you solve?

Once I have gained a sense of what the other person’s style of communication is, I state my name, title, and what I do, like this: ”I’m Betty Withrow.  I’m a writing professional.  My business is the Writers Launchpad.  I work with business owners to take the stress of their writing needs not being met out of the picture so they can concentrate on what they do and increase profits.  I also work with people who have always dreamed of writing a book and haven’t done it, to make that dream come true.”

It gives a complete picture of what I do, and not more information than a person can easily take in.  Because I say it all the time, it comes naturally and I say it with confidence.

One of the services that I provide is to craft personal introductions to give confidence during that critical first moment when you meet someone.  It’s something that I know gives a lot of value.  We have an interview, and from that I find your personal and professional strengths,  and write them into ten, thirty, and sixty-second bits that can be memorized and become a part of your identity. 

Along with this, I provide a business biography and a “what I love about my business” statement so you have a complete information kit ready to go, with bullet points that you can use on social media.  You will never stumble in an introduction again.

Sound like something you’d like to do?  Let’s talk, and let’s get it done.

Commitment+Action=Results. That’s my formula for success. See you there.

All my best, Always,


