Let's face it. the question in the customer's mind is always the same..."What's in it for me?"
Let's use archery as an example of getting focused on the outcome.
You set your arrow, you notch it, and then, carefully, you let it fly. Only when you hit the yellow dot in the middle will you make the sale.
How do you know what outcomes you can promise to your prospect that will get them excited to work with you? Do the research on the market, first of all.
What problems does the business have?
What are the problems that you can solve?
What will that look like once it is accomplished?
How will you make that happen?
Get ready for the conversation by creating images of success in your own mind and be ready to share those images. Say, for example, your customer has a customer relationship problem, they are not getting the kind of business they want because people don't identify with what is being offered. How is what you are offering going to change the image that the market has of the business? What will be the result when that happens?
This is Golden Apple #3, Focusing on Outcomes.
In Golden Apple #1, you identified the language of your market, the unique culture that your prospect moves in and the style of communication that is used there. In Golden Apple #2, you positioned yourself as the expert who can look at the needs of the business with the ability to create solutions.
Now, you can focus on the middle of the target...the outcome.
These elements of communication are the same no matter what audience you are addressing, and I have put them into a system that works. It's based on the classic systems from the teachers of the art of rhetoric, and on my own many years of experience in different kinds of businesses.
I write copy for businesses using this system, and it gets results.
If you would like to schedule a one on one with me, please use my scheduling link below for a half hour free consultation.
All my best, always,
What kind of image can you visualize replacing the one that isn't working? How will that impact the success of the business? And when that change is made, how will the business owner feel about it?
People identify with pictures of success.
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